Thursday, November 15, 2007

where it all began (BA)

I'm a blackberry messenger addict. I spend the majority of my day mindlessly clicking away on this toy that I am (admittedly) powerless over... I figured i might as well post a few conversations here, thus opening the floodgates of voyeurism into my infinitesimal life.

This is one between Brendan and me from last night- while I was teen-vacationing on the Upper East Side (watching Gossip Girl, doubling my usage of "duh" and "like" and more importantly, regressing into the warm cocoon that is the almighty teen-angst).

mr. cool guy: Dude buffy the vampire slayer
mr. cool guy: Luke perry
mr. cool guy: Kristy swanson
mr. cool guy: Donald sutherland
mr. cool guy: Hillary swank
mr. cool guy: Major
mr. cool guy: Paul ruben aka pee wee herman
mr. cool guy: Whoa!
mr. cool guy: Ben affleck!!
Brendan donnelly: Where are you 1995?
mr. cool guy: Basically
mr. cool guy: Does the word 'duh' mean anything to you?
mr. cool guy: 'Get out of my facial'
Brendan donnelly: Ha
mr. cool guy: Best lines ever
Brendan donnelly: Serial
Brendan donnelly: I'm doug and I'm outta heeeerre
mr. cool guy: Ahhahhaha
Brendan donnelly: I wanna dip my balls in it!
mr. cool guy: You're such a blemish
Brendan donnelly: Hahaha what ever squirt
mr. cool guy: You're totally you-porning right now perv
Brendan donnelly: Nope watching last of the mohigans. Tomorrow I'm doing some emotional therapy shopping
mr. cool guy: Aka lugs
mr. cool guy: Lugz
Brendan donnelly: Fresh kicks, levis and the glasses dwight schrute wears
mr. cool guy: Hahhahhahhaha
Brendan donnelly: Dude light blue levis 501, wayne campbell style and a flanel hoodie comm
Brendan donnelly: Combo
Brendan donnelly: From kmart. Chunky white kswisses. Is that even cool? I just don't know anymore?
Brendan donnelly: Or these?
Brendan donnelly: File: IMG00185.jpg (9 KB)
Brendan donnelly: I really need a girlfriend to set me straight
mr. cool guy: Dude neither but if you have to the latter
mr. cool guy: HaaAaaay... Girlfriend!
Brendan donnelly: This movie makes no sense. Ill stick with shot of love with tila tequila
mr. cool guy: Buffffffaaaay!
Brendan donnelly: Clarissa
mr. cool guy: Sabrina the teenage witch
Brendan donnelly: Rayanne from my so called life is still my dream girl
Brendan donnelly: Ricky is my backup
mr. cool guy: Lothos is an evil vampire
Brendan donnelly: And the chick from the craft, the newest witch, will always be in my hand (catch my drift)
mr. cool guy: Dude
Brendan donnelly: I'm just looking for a girl that layers all her clothes, wears docs and has dyed streak in hair and necklaces aka a choker
mr. cool guy: Acne and lots of eyeliner
Brendan donnelly: And a secret drinking problem
Brendan donnelly: I love a girl with a bit of acne and some fucked up teeth
Brendan donnelly: No lie
mr. cool guy: For reals
mr. cool guy: H
mr. cool guy: O
mr. cool guy: T
Brendan donnelly: Add some dad issues and I dound a woman I will marry and divorce on the spot
Brendan donnelly: How do I cut and paste this convo on my blog?
mr. cool guy: Hit menu and copy hsitory
mr. cool guy: History
mr. cool guy: And then paste in an e-mail and send to yourself
mr. cool guy: Boom
Brendan donnelly: And scabs, not std ones though!! For some resaon picked scabbs ar hot. Imm a fucking weirdo
mr. cool guy: I'll do it too

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