Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Bev!

I stopped by Beverly's (Battletits) intimate brithday dinner on friday and didn't stop talking until the bill was paid. Good thing everyone had finished eating. Then a few of us went to my house and watched Queen of the Damned. I mean, 90's goth vampires, what's up? Aaliyah? Hello? Trashtastic.


Beverly said...

ha, fucktastic, whacktastic, amazingtastic. whatevertastic, i totally only got 4 hours of sleep before my awesome birthday flight to kalamazoo michigan because of it and i still regret not finishing queen of the damned. i maintain however, that stewart townsend is no tom cruise.

Beverly said...

oh p.s. this means i now have a blog too. be scared, be very scared. actually please be anything but bored.